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Двоичные данные continuousspouting_2d_downpipes.rfa208 КБ

Continuous Spouting offers a wide range of coloured steel or copper downpipes to suit a variety of applications to compliment your spouting or contrast with your colour scheme. Round downpipes are available in various sizes, and materials to suit any style of home, building or factory. The coloured steel downpipes are available in the same colours as the spouting (they actually use the same Zincalume ® coil as the spouting), with bends and clips all colour matched.

Downpipe capacity, both in size and number, determine how effective any rainwater system is. Downpipes should be distributed evenly around the rainwater system and their design and specification should allow for maximum rainfall situations.

All Continuous Group products and services come with a 10 year warranty.

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